
Hello, I’m Lillie. It’s nice to meet you.

NY-Based Actor, Writer, Director.

About Me.

Oh god, where to begin…

Originally hailing from the Midwest, I moved to England when I was 16 with the intent to study drama. After an amazing - life changing - couple of years, I moved to New York to attend The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Having graduated in 2018, I now live in Brooklyn with my cat and roommate.

Currently I am in an improv troupe called Scarecrow Babies, it’s a pretty funky group of people (if I do say so myself). We formed during the shutdown through Zoom and have since been able to perform, virtually, two or three times a month.

Watch us on Socially Distant Improv on Facebook every second Friday of the month and on Pop-Up Improv’s Youtube Channel.

The Third Borough.

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Welcome to the world of Lillie and De’zjea as they navigate life in Brooklyn in these uncertain, chaotic times.

The Third Borough is an original comedy web-series created by myself and De’zjea Allen. Together we produced, wrote, directed, starred, and in season two’s case: filmed. After a successful release of season one in Nov. 2019, we excitedly started writing season two.

Then the pandemic hit.

Soooo we changed some things up and wrote some new episodes to include the current climate. We got the chance to be able to explore the characters in a new, more personal way. For the second season we decided to film it with an iPhone Max 11 because if Lady Gaga can film her music videos on an iPhone, then so. can. we.

Currently in the editing process, I am beyond excited for everyone to see the final product. Watch out for the release of the second season in December. In the meantime, why not watch season one?!

Contact Me.

Let’s get creating…

Send me a message!

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